
Friday, January 28, 2011

A whole new world!

Well, we made it to Wisconsin.  We've been here a week and I haven't had much time to blog until now.  So let's rewind to last Thursday.  We hired movers and they came to our apartment and had all of our stuff packed in their truck within a few hours.  After that, we headed over to U-Haul to get a tow dolly to tow Ryan's car behind my car the whole way to Wisconsin.  Yes, we drove from Florida to Wisconsin in this contraption...

I really thought that we were going to end up in a ditch somewhere on the side of the road in the middle of Kentucky, but we made it safe and sound.  The roads were all clear except for an icy stretch in Tennessee where we almost collided with a semi, but that's a story for a later date.  The point is, we made it!

Now I am getting myself acclimated to a whole different world.  A world where you see stuff like this while driving...

Yes, that's a truck full of snow.

And this...

A ski and tubing hill with lifts!  So fun, and it's only about 35 minutes away. :)

I think it will be fun living here and getting to do different things than what I was accustomed to in Florida.  Next up in our plans is Ryan's 30th's birthday I'm making a Super Mario Brothers cake to celebrate it.  Then the Packers will play in the Super Bowl the day after his party  Should be a fun couple of weeks!  :)

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